Jun 19, 2019

6 Specializations In Management That Are Rising Today

6 Specializations In Management That Are Rising Today

The faculty of administration forms professionals capable of using their organizational knowledge to manage people, resources and business. The job market in this profession is very broad and presents many opportunities in the public and private sector.

The administrator can act in the management of private companies, banks and financial institutions, public institutions, non-governmental organizations and the venture capital market, besides being able to exercise the profession autonomously.

The most common functions in this career are related to logistics, marketing, finance, and team management. All this makes the course versatile and has a high demand in the market. Some areas of this training are even among the high professions in Santa Catarina. In order to get more information about management strategies, view Zoe Talent Solutions for career development.

Get to know management specializations now, discover these professional routes and the right reasons to start your graduate school right away!


The last few decades have been very promising for anyone working with human resource management. The idea that a company is made up only of equipment and materials has been overcome and entrepreneurs are increasingly aware of the relevance of human material to an organization.

With this, the professionals who follow the trends and present solid training in the area again  appreciation in the market. A  specialization in people management  adds value to the manager's curriculum, making clear his interest in seeing the company beyond finance and bureaucratic processes.

Human resources are today a strategic factor for many companies. Entrepreneurs began to worry about relevant issues, such as employee turnover and demotivation. Knowing how to select and retain talent to work with an innovative and committed team is a competitive advantage in today's marketplace. In many organizations, people management is conducted by professionals with a background in psychology or with a post in human resources.

An administrator specialized in this area becomes a fully professional, who can act in the management of material and human resources, generating savings for those who hire him. For these reasons, this is a very advantageous specialization. In the course, the professional has access to knowledge about people development, coordination of work teams and human resources management actions (such as strategic compensation, personal marketing, and talent identification).


The marketing is another strong administrator playing field, so it is among the main specializations in management.

This post-graduation enables the professional to understand more deeply the relationship of marketing with all other company processes, perceiving it as a strategic factor in management. As marketing actions are critical for companies wishing to face market competitiveness, this is an area that stands out in job opportunities.

This is because specialization in marketing offers knowledge that can leverage the image of the organization and its relationship with customers. Nowadays, this is a strategic sector and the enterprises are investing more and more in the qualification of the professionals who work in the area.

For administrators looking for a complete education, encompassing a new understanding of the market, more effective relationships with customers and improvement of the company actions, attending this specialization has everything to be advantageous.


Among the various areas of management, many professionals have a greater interest in the financial field. This is a very promising niche, with many opportunities in the market, but graduation may not be sufficient in preparing for higher positions in the corporate hierarchy. That's why specialization is a good way.

The professional who deals with finance is constantly under pressure to optimize processes and save resources, creating solutions for the financial area of ​​the company. For this, the theoretical knowledge of the accounting sciences and the frequent updates are fundamental.

The specialization in Controlling and Corporate Finance is indicated for the administrators who need to deepen their studies in the accounting area, with the objective of acting in the management of finances. In the course, the professional learns to evaluate companies and business opportunities and to manage actions of control of expenses and maximization of profits.


Still in the financial area, the specialization that deepens the management of costs and businesses through a strategic vision are very interesting for management professionals.

With this training, the administrator has a global understanding of the interaction between the various sectors that make up the organization, being able to analyze the internal and external aspects.

Business and cost management is central to the business - and they seek a professional capable of analyzing and using managerial software that supports effective decisions. The performance in this area is based on the growth and longevity of the company, ensuring the optimization of processes and increased profits.


This is a field that is growing a lot and that presents itself as a very promising training for administrators. With the increasing competitiveness among companies and the constant changes in the Economics and organizational scenarios, the professional needs to keep up to date and able to anticipate problems and opportunities. This is the goal of specialization in market intelligence.

In this course, the administrator learns several techniques to gather data - qualitative and quantitative - about the company's area of ​​activity and to analyze the context with efficiency. The student also has contact with tools that perform the information processing and analysis, facilitating the management of processes, strategies, policies, products, and services.

For those looking for a complimentary training to enrich the curriculum  and get updated knowledge, this is certainly a great option.

Companies value managers who know how to analyze economic scenarios and understand the market movements, making decisions that put the organization in a more competitive and advantageous position.


This is another great opportunity for professionals who wish to contribute to the growth of the companies in which they operate. The learn manufacturing specialization  deals with the theory of lean production, developed by Toyota Motor, which seeks to improve quality and productivity indices by reducing nine wastes in resource management:

Overproduction, unnecessary transport, excessive processing, inventory, unnecessary movement, defects, creativity and information.

Professionals able to manage these reductions can improve the management of time and costs in the company, leveraging their competitive potential and ensuring a great financial return.

These are the major specializations in administration. As you have seen, the administrator has many paths available. All options add value to the training and practice of the professional, being one more step to consolidate a successful career.

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