Sep 20, 2018

Seventh (7) simple Tricks That Will Take Your Blog To The Next Level

Seventh (7) simple Tricks That Will Take Your Blog To The Next Level

Hello, Welcome to Guide Tricks today I am going to discuss on the seven simple secret tricks that will actually take your blog to the Next Level. The definitive dream of every blogger is to make his blog more popular with a huge number of visitors, backlinks, blog friends and more pointing back to his blog but how would you achieve this?  To achieve this aim, it really requires a lot of efforts and hard work, but surely you will be successful. So, to make your blog more popularly I recommend you to use this tricks that I will give you today.   

The tricks are:

Guest Posting

Guest Posting, on the other hand, it is a good strategy to get your brand/blog to the top. All you need do is to find a blog that accepts a guest post with the same niche as yours, write a nice post that petitions to them and funnel the traffic down to your blog.  It is one of the most effective ways for me in creating awareness for this blog. Don’t try always to write a good post to your blog but also write for others you can only get good things when you are good and you are doing good, don’t expect to get good things while you are doing bad things the work differently.

Great Content Rocks

Keep in mind “Content Is King”, Make sure you are able to churn out articles that would wow your audience, this would keep them coming back again for more and also letting others know about you.  Don’t always try to do the same mistakes that other bloggers are doing, I always tell new bloggers don’t do what other bloggers are doing and also don’t follow the same way that other bloggers are following, because some’s are more than you, just do what you can put an effort to your blog follow your own strategy that will lead you to successes  make sure you Read articles that would help you  improve your writing skills and try your best to offer your readers new content on a periodic basis.

Connect With Other Bloggers

Connecting with other bloggers out there in the blogosphere is a great way to get your brand and blog known. Not only would you exchange ideas on how to grow your blog, but they could also serve as referrals and thus improve your business.

Don’t Blog Anonymously

Everyone out there would love to narrate and talk to a person. No one wants to read a blog that is written by a bot, with this in mind, make sure your blog with your name and avatar on your blog. It would help increase your user’s relations and activities on your blog.


Do you want to reach out to more people? Then you have to invest in advertising. There are a couple of things to invest for your blog, and advertising your blog should find its way to the top if you have a budget for it. Advertising your blog would expose you not only new readers but also to prospective clients which can result in leads.

Become A Comment Bot

Commenting on a blog really encourage authors, it doesn’t mean you should make unnecessary comments on others blogs. Your comments should either ask reasonable questions or make an impact in contributions to the article you just read. Do not leave comments such as “Nice post” as they could be annoying and the most bloggers like me would send such to the trash, don’t just read article and past make sure you drop a good sound comment on it, keep in mind it also drives traffic to a blog.

Get Social & Make Your Readers Talk About You

You might be wondering how you can get more readers talking about your blog, but it’s very simple. Give them content they love, and provide social sharing buttons on your site and watch the magic happen. Your readers would freely share your articles across their social media profiles. One thing to bear in mind is not to give them an endless option to choose from. I would usually recommend 3 social networks sharing buttons on your blog posts.

I hope you found this handy guide helpful. Feel free to join the conversation. I’ll love to hear your opinions and learn from you. Let me know what other tip has moved your blog to the next level using the comment section below. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and lovely one’s Happy blogging!

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Hey! I’m Muhammad Abba Gana, popularly known as AbbaGana, a blog Scientist by mind and a passionate blogger by heart fountainhead of Guidetricks, Duniyan Fasaha, Duniyar Yau, Hanyantsirah, Gidan Novels, Abba Gana Novels and Be With Me Technologies, I am twenty something year old guy from Jimeta, Adamawa State, Nigeria. I’m a Freelance writer, Information marketer, professional blogger, Web designer, Internet speaker, software Developer and also an author. I make living with my laptop and can work from anywhere I find myself (as long as there is a power supply and a reliable internet connection).


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