Jun 14, 2020

WPF Chart Controls – an Ideal Tool Based on the .NET Framework

WPF Chart Controls – an Ideal Tool Based on the .NET Framework

Developers who have been working on data visualization projects know how important charts and graphs are to such projects. Not only do they add a substantial amount of functionality and finesse to the project, but they also ensure that complicated and large data sets can be presented to the audience in a manner that is both easy to consume as well as easy to understand. One of the best frameworks that are available to developers today for charting is the WPF Chart Control. Irrespective of which type of windows application that you plan to develop, charts can provide a substantial degree of elevation to such applications.

Thanks to the .NET platform that uses XAML as the frontend language and C# as the backend language, developers have an extremely useful tool that allows them to create fascinating and rich data visuals for the display of  various types of data.

WPF Chart controls are built upon the .NET framework and use the Windows API to create data visuals and graphics. Irrespective of what you want to use it for, whether it be controls, or dialogs, menus, or applications, the things that you can create are absolutely endless.

Here is why WPF charts are beneficial

Without the WPF charting framework, developers initially had to utilize a number of complicated and diverse technologies to aid and create charts and graphs for their data visualization projects. This process was even more complicated in the case of 3D graphics. With the advent of WPF, graphics and charts have become immensely easier for developers to create given that all of the utilities required to create the perfect data visual is available on a single and structured platform.

Furthermore, WPF Charting controls provide a degree of functionality that was earlier not seen. Given that a vector model for graphics is what WPF Charting controls the use, not only are graphs and charts easy to develop, but it is also easy to compute large amounts of data and process them in a speedy manner without compromising on the quality of such data or compromising on the message that such data seeks to project or convey. The integration also allows the developer to export the said chart into various other forms, such as in the form of a button.

Prior to WPF, while it was immensely difficult to create a 3D chart, this is also an aspect that has become tremendously easier thanks to WPF chart controls. Not only is 3D integration possible, but it is also easy to create as well. One of the other big benefits when it comes to 3D charts is that you can save the previous 3D charts that you have created as a developer and save it for your future projects as well.

The capability of WPF charts is certainly endless. For developers who work on data visualization and the creation of charts and graphics, it is important and extremely helpful to understand how WPF chart controls work and what features they offer. The dynamic and smooth system is sure to produce great graphs and charts.

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Hey! I’m Muhammad Abba Gana, popularly known as AbbaGana, a blog Scientist by mind and a passionate blogger by heart fountainhead of Guidetricks, Duniyan Fasaha, Duniyar Yau, Hanyantsirah, Gidan Novels, Abba Gana Novels and Be With Me Technologies, I am twenty something year old guy from Jimeta, Adamawa State, Nigeria. I’m a Freelance writer, Information marketer, professional blogger, Web designer, Internet speaker, software Developer and also an author. I make living with my laptop and can work from anywhere I find myself (as long as there is a power supply and a reliable internet connection).


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